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Californians Demand Accountability, Transparency from Beverly Hills Officials in Ongoing Fight to Open Abortion Clinic

Local advocacy group seeks information about city’s dealings with anti-abortion advocates

11.16.23 – (PRESS RELEASE) Earlier this month, an association of Beverly Hills residents concerned about abortion access made a public records request seeking correspondence between city officials, anti-abortion advocates, and others involved in influencing the decision to stop the opening of a new abortion clinic.

The request – made by bhforchoice – seeks to shed light on the extent to which anti-abortion advocates influenced the decision to rescind the lease of DuPont Clinic, a Washington-DC based health care provider seeking to open an abortion clinic in Beverly Hills.  DuPont Clinic had plans to open a facility that would provide abortion care in accordance with California law but was notified earlier this year that its lease had been rescinded after anti-abortion advocates threatened violence and intimidation.

“Everyone deserves access to the full range of reproductive health care options throughout pregnancy,” said Gay Abrams of bhforchoice.  “California prides itself as a leader in reproductive health care and our city officials should be doing everything in their power to ensure people have access to health care, not bowing to threats of violence and intimidation from anti-abortion advocates, many of them who are not residents of Beverly Hills.

“Our post-Roe reality demands courage and bold action in the face of those who want to rob us of our rights and dignity.  Bhforchoice will continue to demand accountability and transparency from our city officials as we fight to ensure everyone can get the health care they need free from anti-abortion meddling.”

Bhforchoice partnered with the Lawyering Project to make the public records request.
